On Balance: Architecture and Vertigo

By Davide Deriu

Since the construction of the first skyscrapers in the 19th century, urban environments have been increasingly marked by verticality. The advent of the modern metropolis transformed the experience of gravity in ways which resonate acutely today. At a time of instability, the rise of tall buildings poses new challenges to our sense of balance, yet the implications of vertigo remain unacknowledged. This book reflects on the precarious equilibrium at the heart of contemporary cities, where the drive to conquer ever greater heights has reconfigured our notion of abyss. Exploring the spatial thrills as well as anxieties associated with vertigo, it traces how different subjects experience, represent and transgress buildings and the spaces in between. On Balance tackles this complex subject through an interdisciplinary approach informed by social and medical sciences.

London, 2023, 24 x 17 cm, 256pp, illustrated, Hardback.

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