The Consciousness of Place

By Kashef Chowdhury

In his office Urbana, Bangladesh, Kashef Chowdhury designs architecture that is rooted in the history and nature of the location. Nature in this sense not only consists of vegetation, plants and forests, but also the spiritual and cultural context of a specific environment and landscape. His work includes the transformation of ships, the development of housing and the construction of mosques, museums and corporate headquarters. All of his projects are based on comprehensive research work, aimed at applying an awareness of a specific location and its nature to achieve a high degree of innovation and original expression. This combination of traditional building styles and contemporary architecture often has an inspirational effect. The Consciousness of Place is Chowdhury’s philosophical engagement with his own understanding of architecture, based on his research and lectures. It focuses on the significance of architecture, which is able to connect us to nature and liberate us from urban life.

Lucerne, 2023, 16 x 11 cm, 120pp. illustrated, Hardback.

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