AA Book: Projects Review 2011

Projects Review offers an overview of the AA’s 2010/11 academic year. Accompanying the school’s end-of-year show, the book features hundreds of drawings, models, installations, photographs and other materials documenting the world’s most international and experimental school of architecture.The work of the AA’s 600+ full-time students ranges from small-scale studies and drawings to large 1:1 working prototypes, interactive media and built installations, including the annual AA summer pavilion in Bedford Square.

The book also includes selected projects originating from the AA’s Hooke Park campus in Dorset and our Research Cluster initiatives as well as from the immensely diverse design workshops and public events associated with the AA’s global Visiting School, undertaken in more than a dozen cities since its launch in early 2008. Complementing these projects, this book also offers a snapshot of the AA’s vibrant public programme of lectures and exhibitions and its equally pioneering catalogue of publications and other printed media.

London 2011, 24.9 x 17 cm, illustrated, 380 pp. Paperback ISBN 978-1-907896-10-1

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