‘A’A’: Cabin Anna

Issue 47 of L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui (December 2023) looks at Cabin Anna, created by architect Caspar Schols. The structure features an envelope on rails, which allows a wooden section to slide open, revealing a second glass shell that opens onto nature. This feat of engineering hides a human adventure and the will of a builder-entrepreneur who was not yet qualified when he built the first prototype of the Anna pavilion in his mother's garden. The project was previously covered by the magazine in Issue 44 (2021), when guest-editor Philippe Starck selected Cabin Anna as an exemplar of modular housing.

To Philippe Starck, Cabin Anna is the perfect embodiment of his philosophy, according to which "we urgently need to move towards prefabrication and modularity, with great humanistic and moral precepts. Not based on aesthetics, but rather on respect, honesty and talent." - Philippe Starck

Paris, 2023, 23 x 29 cm, 64pp. illustrated, Paperback.

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