William Firebrace
Mômo in Marseille
Adam Phillips
On Losing and Being Lost Again
Tom Heneghan
After the Goldrush
Tom Emerson
Richard Wentworth in Conversation
Theodore & Stephen Spyropoulos
Memory Cloud
Pedro Ignacio Alonso & Hugo Palmarola
A Panel's Tale
Mark Campbell
Aspects not Things
Steven Spier
There's Just Something About Switzerland
Irénée Scalbert
Ines Weizman
Architecture's Political Spectacles
Christopher Pierce
Nave(l) Gazing
Adam Caruso
Whatever Happened to Analogue Architecture
Pier Vittorio Aureli
The Geo-Politics of the Ideal Villa
Barry Maitland
The Will of the Epoch
88 pages, extensive & col. ills
297 x 245 mm, Paperback, 2009