Architecture’s Afterlife

By Michela Barosio, Dag Boutsen, Andrea Čeko, Haydée De Loof, Johan De Walsche, Santiago Gomes, Harriet Harriss, Roberta Marcaccio, Mia Roth-Čerina, Carla Sentieri, Neal Sashore, Federica Vannucchi & Hanne Van Reusel

Almost 40% of architecture graduates choose not to practise as architects. Instead, by ‘leaving’ their chosen profession, this surprisingly large but vastly overlooked cohort are making significant contributions to a wide range of other sectors, from politics to videogame design, demonstrating that architectural training can be a pathway to roles, and even leadership opportunities, across a variety of other professions. Architecture’s Afterlife is the first book to examine the sectors into which these graduates migrate, and to identify the transferable skills that are learned, but not always taught, in their degree programmes, and that prove most useful in their new careers. The book – a result of a three-year pan-European study funded by Erasmus+ – provides a roadmap for increasing graduate employment, addressing skills shortages across all sectors and adapting curricula to changing professional landscapes.

London, 2024, 23 x 15 cm, 204pp. illustrated, Paperback.

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