Architectures of Care

Edited By Brittany Utting

Drawing from a range of interdisciplinary voices, this book explores how spaces of care shape our affective, material, and social forms, from the most intimate scale of the body to our planetary commons. Typical definitions of care centre around the maintenance of a liveable life, encompassing everything from shelter and welfare to health and safety. Architecture plays a fundamental role in these definitions, inscribed in institutional archetypes such as the home, the hospital, the school, and the nursery. However, these spaces often structure modes of care that prescribe gender roles, bodily norms, and labour practices. How can architecture instead engage with an expanded definition of care that questions such roles and norms, producing more hybrid entanglements between our bodies, our collective lives, and our environments? This book explores disabled domesticities and nursing, unbuilding whiteness in the built environment, practices and pedagogies of environmental care, and the solidarity networks within ‘The Cloud’. Case studies include Floating University Berlin, commoning initiatives by the Black Panther party, and hospitals for the United Mine Workers of America.

London, 2023, 23 x 16 cm, 288pp. illustrated, Paperback.

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