Ideas, Faces and Places

By Celia Scott, Robert Maxwell and others

Ideas, Faces and Places is a record of the 2022 exhibition & symposium at The Irish Architectural Archive, Dublin, Sweet Disorder and the Carefully Careless: Ideas, Faces and Places, which transferred to RIBA, London in spring 2023. The book is a repository for some of the observations that arose at these events made by architects and critics including John Tuomey, Ed Jones, Irina Davidovici, Kenneth Frampton & others. The exhibition juxtaposed Celia Scott’s busts of the architects James Stirling, Leon Krier, Alan Colquhoun, Ed Jones and others, with a pictorial biography of her husband, the eminent architect and academic Robert Maxwell (1922-2020). The view that this book offers of the exhibition and of the work of Scott and Maxwell is provisional and partial, offering the reader the chance to meander and relish unexpected juxtapositions and oblique views of its subjects - almost exactly like the rooms that Celia Scott created in Dublin and in London. Robert Maxwell was one of the most important architectural theorists and teachers of the 20th century - this book is an essential addition to his oeuvre.

London, 2023, 19 x 14 cm, 144pp, illustrated, Paperback.

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