Migrations from Memory

By Aaron Peters and Stuart Vokes

Migrations from Memory is an anthology - a collection of offerings reminiscent of a bunch of flowers picked from the roadsides of Brisbane - of words and images by the celebrated Australian architects Vokes and Peters. The book is structured as a series of dialogues, email exchanges that expand upon the themes in essays that grow out of their shared love for the geography and architecture of Brisbane. Accompanying these are essays by the legendary Norwegian architect and teacher Brit Andresen and London architect Patrick Lynch.

Practising in partnership means for us participating in a dialogue. This collection of essays is intended to offer an account of our approach to architectural practice, and to reveal how discourse shapes the ways ideas are formed and critiqued within the Vokes and Peters studio. What aim to show is how we work collectively to refine our thoughts, how articulating shared values brings clarity to the design process, and how simple ideas help us to conceive of, and to execute buildings. - Vokes and Peters

London, 2023, 14 x 19 cm, 152pp, illustrated, Paperback.

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