Militant Media

Edited by Riccardo Badano, Tomas Percival & Susan Schuppli

Militant Media engages with the ethical and political implications of media and technology in relation to contemporary struggles and conflicts. In doing so, it also reflects upon the changing role of media in justice and human rights campaigns, examining a range of topics from the use of images in campaigning to the investigative potential of digital materials as evidentiary entities in themselves. Diverse contributions reveal how media and technology can simultaneously enable and constrain agency and control. In addition to critical and theoretical reflections, Militant Media offers a wide range of practice-based projects that have developed oppositional modes of representation and created new aesthetic strategies and tools. Together these contributions seek to challenge prevailing power structures and enable new forms of political solidarity.

Leipzig, 2024, 16 x 23 cm, 212pp. illustrated, Paperback.

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